Kamis, 02 Februari 2017

What is Kratom

What is Kratom?
Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) is a tropical evergreen tree in the coffee family (Rubiaceae) native to Southeast Asia in the Indochina and Malaysia phytochoria (botanical regions). Kratom is indigenous to Thailand, Indonesia, and Malaysia, Myanmar, and Papua New Guinea where it has been used in traditional medicine since at least the nineteenth century. Kratom has some opiate and stimulant like properties.
As of 2013 no clinical trials had been done to understand kratom's health effects and it had no approved medical uses. Some people take it for managing chronic pain, for treating opioid withdrawal symptoms, or – more recently – for recreational purposes. Onset of effects typically begin within 5 to 10 minutes and last 2 to 5 hours.
Minor side effects may include nausea, vomiting, and constipation. More severe side effects may include seizure, addiction, and psychosis. Other side effects include high heart rate and blood pressure, liver toxicity, and trouble sleeping. When use is stopped withdrawal may occur. Respiratory depression (decreased breathing) is a major risk with all opiates the medical literature is divided on whether it is a significant side effect of kratom, with some authorities not mentioning it and others emphasizing it. When mixed with other substances, kratom use has resulted in death. In the United States, there were fifteen kratom-related deaths between 2014 and 2016, although in none was kratom the sole factor.
As of 2015 there was a growing international concern about a possible threat to public health from kratom use. In some jurisdictions its sale and importation have been restricted, and a number of public health authorities have raised alerts. Sometimes the finished product is mixed into cocktails with other opioids.

The health benefits of Kratom

Some Drug Rehabilitation Clinic uses powdered kratom to overcome dependence on drugs such as opium and morphine. The early stages of rehabilitation are usually conducted detoxification, aimed at removing toxins from the rest of opium or morphine in the body. At this stage will cause a number of unpleasant symptoms that body. Patients usually have a strong desire to return to consume opium or morphine. Kratom powder can be used as a substitute for these drugs but Kratom powder is not addictive, so they're stopped after opium residual toxins out of the body of the patient.

Coping with diarrhea
Diarrhea is one of the diseases caused by bad bacteria live and multiply in the digestive system. The content of alkaloids in kratom powder is able to kill the bad bacteria that live in the digestive systems of the body. Because of killing the bacteria that causes diarrhea, the diarrhea will be cured.

Increase endurance
Kratom powder known to contain many anti-oxidants, particularly alkaloids. This substance is believed to be effective to increase endurance.

Lowering high blood pressure
Kratom contains alkaloids which are very large, one of which is epicatechin. According to some studies, anti-oxidants are able to lower high blood pressure. It has also been proved by the Thai people who use kratom leaf powder for hypertension since hundreds of years ago.

Improving the energy or stamina
Thais have long used kratom leaves as an energy booster or stamina. They take advantage of the way the kratom leaf chewing to increase stamina. Stimulants and soothing effects caused by people who consume kratom make feel fresh and vibrant.

Cope with muscle pain
Muscle pain is often caused by nerve disorders. Kratom contains alkaloids that are soothing. This calming effect is very powerful to overcome muscle soreness.

Overcoming depression
Kratom leaves have some calming alkaloids. One is Mitragyne. Mytragyne substance is very powerful for depression, anxiety and other psychiatric illnesses.

Sexual stimulants
Thais have long used as an herb kratom leaves that serve to enhance sexual arousal. Alkaloid contained in the leaves of kratom has a stimulant effect and can calm the nerves. This will allow one to control the mind. With a well-controlled mind makes consuming kratom leaves more "durable" when in bed.

Controlling Diabetes (blood sugar levels)
Diabetes is often associated with high blood pressure. High sugar levels can increase blood viscosity. This makes the work of the heart in pumping blood becomes more severe. The effect is an increase in blood pressure. The content of alkaloids in kratom leaves, especially epicatechin, is believed to be very powerful to control sugar levels and blood pressure. For those of you who have diabetes are excellent for consuming kratom powder as a tea or in capsule form Kratom leaves.

How to use?

In its native region, kratom leaves are often chewed fresh (usually after removing the stringy central vein). Dried leaves can also be chewed, but since they are a bit tough, most people prefer to crush them up or powder them so that they can be swallowed easily. Powdered kratom can be mixed with water and then drunk. This method is quick and easy. It can also be mixed with other liquids, such as fruit juice, milk, or kefir. Chocolate milk works especially well for masking the taste. Powdered kratom can also be made into a paste that can easily be swallowed with water. The powder can also be mixed with applesauce or yogurt. It can also be put into capsules. Dried kratom leaves are often made into a tea that is strained and then drunk. Kratom can be smoked, but doing so is impractical because the amount of leaf that constitutes a typical dose is too much to be smoked easily. A resin-like extract can be prepared by evaporating the water from kratom tea. This can be stored for later use. Small pellets of this extract can be swallowed, or it can be dissolved in hot water and consumed as a tea. Some people like to mix kratom tea with ordinary black tea, or other herbal teas, before it is consumed. This is done to make it more palatable. Sugar or honey can be added to sweeten it.


What are the effects?

Kratom is a rather unique drug in that a low to moderate dose will usually (but not always) be stimulating, while a high dose is almost always quite sedating. This is apparently because the active alkaloids have both stimulant and sedative effects. Which predominates probably depends both on dosage and individual differences between users. Many people report that the effects are very similar to opiate drugs. From a pharmacological perspective this is not surprising because kratom contains alkaloids that act as opiate receptor agonists. Interestingly, although kratom has a similar mechanism of action as many opiate pain medications it does not appear to be nearly as addictive. In fact many people use kratom to overcome opiate addiction.

The stimulant level: At the stimulant level, the mind is more alert, physical energy (and sometimes sexual energy) is increased, one feels more motivated to get things done, ability to do hard, monotonous physical work may be improved, there is an elevation of mood (it has an antidepressant effect), one is more talkative, friendly, and sociable. The stimulant effects of kratom are different from typical CNS stimulants, such as caffeine or amphetamine drugs. Kratom is more of a cognitive stimulant tnan a physical stimulant.

The sedative-euphoric-analgesic level: At this dosage you will be less sensitive to physical or emotional pain, feel and look calm, have a general feeling of comfortable pleasure, and may enter a pleasant dreamy reverie. You may experience some itching or sweating. Your pupils may be constricted (small). It is possible you may feel nauseated, but if you lie down and relax the nausea should quickly subside. You may find your appreciation of music is increased. It will be very pleasant to lie down on your back in a semi-darkened room, with eyes closed, and just listen to your favorite music. If you do this you may be fortunate enough to enter the delightful mixed-state of ‘waking-dreaming’ where you have one foot in dreamland and the other foot in the real world. This state was much prized by the 19th century Romantic writers, who, lacking knowledge of kratom, resorted to the much more habit-forming narcotic, opium, to achieve it.

 Important News Update:

Kratom remains legal, for now!
On August 31, 2016, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) published in the Federal Register a notice of intent to temporarily place mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine, which are the main psychoactive constituents of the plant Mitragyna speciosa, also referred to as kratom, into schedule I pursuant to the temporary scheduling provisions of the Controlled Substances Act. Since publishing that notice, DEA has received numerous comments from members of the public challenging the scheduling action and requesting that the agency consider those comments and accompanying information before taking further action. In addition, DEA will receive from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) a scientific and medical evaluation and scheduling recommendation for these substances, which DEA previously requested. The DEA is therefore taking the following actions: DEA is withdrawing the August 31, 2016 notice of intent; and soliciting comments from the public regarding the scheduling of mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine under the Controlled Substances Act. DATES: The notice of intent that was published on August 31, 2016 (81 FR 59929) is withdrawn. The comment period will be open until December 1, 2016. Click here to read the DEA's withdrawl notice.

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